Slippery Children Sauce, Donkeys and Circumcisions – it’s Friday Funnies

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July marks the middle of summer, when lawns grow so fast that mowing is a nonstop activity, when children ride their bikes to the park and community pool, when family vacations test parents' patience. The days are long and the breezes warm - well, downright scorching this summer! July is the month when those of us in the United States recognize our national day of independence. But that's just one of many days we celebrate. For instance, here are special dates we observe every July:

Disobedience Day
Sidewalk Egg Frying Day
Piña Colada Day
Stick Out Your Tongue Day

These dates are just a few of the wonderful observances we undertake in July. "Ratcatcher's Day" is on everybody's list but what may not be on that list is remembering to utilize a professional translation services firm for your multilingual business requirements. Shortcuts, like using a free online translation tool or a non-professional translator, can result in the translation of "Ratcatcher's Day" into Greek as "την ημέρα της ατάκας" which means "on the day of ataka". And if that's not enough to convince you to use a professional translation services firm like Auerbach International, let's take a humorous stroll through the Malapropism Minefield:

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That's either a house overrun with misbehaving donkeys or... well, let's leave it at that.

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Gosh, I've been looking all over for that sauce. It's an excellent addition to Kung Pao Children!

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Wise words to live by!

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Personal versus group circumcisions? Inconvenience for the patient would be more appropriate.

Every month we make the journey through translations gone terribly amiss. Funny as they may be, they're a great reminder that translation accuracy cannot be entrusted to anyone but professional linguists. That's why Auerbach International utilizes expert translators with a minimum of 10 years of service, with a Master's degree (or equivalent) and who are knowledgeable in the market that your business operates.

Protect the multilingual relationships you have or are developing by using an established language services company (Auerbach has been serving companies like yours for more than three decades.) Whether it's translating the written word or interpreting the spoken word, your word is your bond to your customers and partners. Make sure those words are conveyed properly and include cultural nuances so what you mean is what is communicated. Don't let that "construction" bid become a "circumcision" bid!

A final thought from Isaac Asimov: “Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." Best ~

Chris Hempel
Director of Client Success
phone 415-592-0042 X125
mobile 818-445-4451

“3 Decades. 2 Billion Words. A+ Accuracy. Superior Translation Services."


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