Why free AI translations can be very costly – AND BY THE WAY

You may have noticed that we played a little game with this newsletter. To drive home the point that only professionally translated content will ensure accuracy for your important correspondences, we purposely added two errors to the original newsletter – one was a translation error and one was a simple sentence error in English. A… Continue reading Why free AI translations can be very costly – AND BY THE WAY

Fun with English

You probably know the computer expression, “Garbage In, Garbage Out”. In other words, if your input is terrible, your output will be too. The same is true with language and translations: If your original sentences are unclear, the translations will be worse. Fortunately, these marvelous statements below were not submitted to us for conversion into… Continue reading Fun with English

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Bloopers #6 – Ode to English

As a gift to our clients past, present and future, we are pleased to present an Ode to English. If you’ve learned another language, you know how difficult that can be. But English seems exceptionally crazy, as an anonymous author expresses below: – – – – – – An eggplant has no egg and a… Continue reading Bloopers #6 – Ode to English

Categorized as english