Auerbach Intl

Phone: (415) 592 0042
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Summary of Client Services

The world wants what you have.

A world of possibilities, potentialities, and opportunities for you or your organization.

And some of that world is in the USA.

Excellent Client Services in auerbach intl

• 41m US Latinos speak Spanish at home.
•72% of the world does not speak English.

What opportunities are you missing?

WARNING! Machine Translation (i.e., Translation Software)

  • MT works well in Spanish and French but can still make unprofessional and comical mistakes.
  • MT is OK for German.
  • MT produces variations on gibberish for E. European, Middle Eastern, Indian and other Asian languages.
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1. Re-editing

Original English (stiffly) translated from German:

“The intervention of governments against undisclosed income and problematic tax models which are by now directed even across national borders are increasingly forcing the parties concerned to get their business affairs in order.”

Our acculturated re-write for the US market:

“These government interventions against undisclosed income and questionable tax structures are increasingly forcing concerned companies to get their business affairs in order – even across national borders.”

Auerbach translation acculturation
auerbach summary clientes

2. Acculturation

Original American ad text:

“We are by far the best in our business and no other firm comes close to providing our level of service, ease of ordering, and customer satisfaction.”

If translated, this would sound too arrogant in many cultures.

Modified to:

“ To facilitate ordering and provide satisfaction to our customers, we strive to shine in our industry and to match the best in our business.”

auerbach summary clientes

3. Revised brand names or slogans

Large IT company’s English tagline: “No limits to your success”

…. which seems too boastful in Europe.

Revised to: “Gateway to new horizons.”

Machine Translation mostly translates literally and does NO acculturation, a major reason NOT to rely on it.

branding auerbach Translating and Interpreting


30+ years’ experience

Over 2 billion words processed

120 languages in most any combination + ASL

Most any subject, from Aerospace to Zoology. Business, technical, government or nonprofit

A+ guaranteed accuracy, doing it right the first time

Full service: translating, interpreting, localizing, cultural adapting, desktop publishing, transcribing, dubbing, subtitling, and more.


  • Translations of all kinds of written, spoken or electronic content
  • Phone Interpreting 24/7 so you can talk to people to whom you can’t speak
  • Interpreting at conferences or for meetings (headsets, booths, etc.)
  • Screening names and slogans: Will they work in other countries?
  • Special price reductions for nonprofits
  • Award-winning personal service
  • Speed with guaranteed accuracy
  • Global Marketing expertise
  • Cultural adaptation
  • Social benefits: Support of our nonprofit, the AGIF
  • Global Gurus podcast: Stories of International Business.

Do you want your projects simply done or done correctly?

excellence auerbach
Does YOUR organization radiate precision and quality, accuracy and excellence? If so, we would enjoy working with you.
Others’ second-rate work does not reflect your IMAGE. And shoddy results can damage your organization’s reputation.
Our on-time deliveries and methods saved Fujitsu around $500K over many years of projects.

For a FREE QUOTE, please send …..

  • Your full file
    OR some sample pages/sections
    OR the approximate number of words and the subject.
  • Your desired languages or countries
  • Your contact information…. to (or call 415 592 0042 to discuss your project).
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