Why free AI translations can be very costly – AND BY THE WAY

You may have noticed that we played a little game with this newsletter. To drive home the point that only professionally translated content will ensure accuracy for your important correspondences, we purposely added two errors to the original newsletter – one was a translation error and one was a simple sentence error in English. A… Continue reading Why free AI translations can be very costly – AND BY THE WAY

Why free AI translations can be very costly

The best part about AI translation tools is that they are supposedly free. Except that their mistakes can be very costly, especially if no one at your organization can check them. While AI is definitely improving, it is far from perfect. Common mistakes are in word usage, lack of conversion between Imperial and Metric measurements,… Continue reading Why free AI translations can be very costly

Eleve su negocio y llegue al mundo

Você deseja levar sua mensagem além das fronteiras, atingindo audiências globais com impacto e precisão? Com a Auerbach South América Ltda ao seu lado, você pode fazer isso acontecer…

Por qué centrarse en el valor

La traducción puede ser una inversión potente en su negocio y puede generar un importante retorno de la inversión. Para ello, es importante saber que no se debe considerar como un centro de costos…

Entre altos y bajos

Es posible que ya esté al tanto de que los traductores tienden a especializarse en el área de traducción en la que trabajan. Aunque ámbitos como la traducción médica y científi ca son muy técnicos…