A Nude Moose Tourist Looking for a Parking Spot – Welcome to Friday Funnies!

auerbach intl blog

April is here and spring has sprung. The year is roaring ahead at breakneck speed!

April is the month when new business springs up. It's the month when industries and markets bloom under the glow of the sunshine and when the grime of winter washes away. April marches forth with important religious observances - Passover, Ramadan and Easter. It's the month when we embrace National Lima Bean Respect Day, and we celebrate...

National Empanada Day
National Talk Like Shakespeare Day
National Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day

But none of these special days rival the shear joy of observing the slip of the translation tongue brought about by amateur linguists' misguided efforts. Take a moment to enjoy some blooming spring daffodils and some certified "fresh" Friday Funnies!

This pandemic guideline didn't make the cut.

That's a real "bucket list" item!

With a stick? I need that on my conscience like a cigarette needs a hat rack.

Parking for Aunts to the right? Cousins straight ahead?

Though these signs are funny, business confusion isn't. Confusion is disruptive for organizations and those they serve. Confusion caused by avoidable translation miscues is inexcusable. Invest in a quality, established, reliable translation firm. Choose a firm that you can trust to translate your critical projects clearly and correctly. A firm that accurately captures the words and meanings of your communications. That firm is Auerbach International!

Give us a call or email us and experience our endless pursuit of perfection and our commitment to the finest customer service.

... a final thought: "Trust science. Studies show that if your parents didn't have children there's a high probability you won't either."

Best ~

Chris Hempel
Director of Client Success
[email protected]
phone 415-592-0042 X125
mobile 818-445-4451

“3 Decades. 2 Billion Words. A+ Accuracy. Superior Translation Services."

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