Welcome to the April edition of Friday Funnies, Auerbach International's monthly presentation of the humorous but critical foibles of amateur translations and interpreters. Enjoy!
- A sign outside of a Paris dress shop read, Dresses for street walking.
- A New Zealand restaurant announced its aggressive schedule, Open seven days a week, and weekends too.
- Former President Carter, on a trip to Poland, was misquoted by his interpreter. Carter said I left the United States this morning. but the interpreter quoted him to have said I left the United States, never to return.
- During the same visit, President Carter stated that he was happy to be in Poland but was quoted as saying ... happy to grasp at Polands private parts.
- A hotel in Acapulco proudly exclaimed, The Manager has Personally Passed All the Water Served Here.
We hope these faux pas have placed a laughing asterisk at the end of your busy week.
Auerbach International's three decades of premier language service has saved our clients from disastrous mistakes that would have cost them both money and their reputations. Your translation projects are always large in importance if not size, so never trust them to anyone else. We guarantee that your communication projects will be correct, localized for their audience and delivered on time.
Please reach out to us for all of your professional translation needs.
Regards ~
Chris Hempel
Director fo Client Success
Auerbach International
415.592.0042 x125
818.445.4451 (mobile)
415.592.0043 (fax)
[email protected]