July is here!
The middle of summer has arrived which means we've all enjoyed a sunburn, overdue lawn mowing, heat-clearing thunderstorms, ice cream cones on a warm afternoon, traffic jams on the way to the beach and picnics with family and friends. Every day brings a new celebration. Independence Day for Americans may be the biggest event of the month but let's not forget:
International Cherry Pit Spitting Day
National Strawberry Sundae Day
Oxymoron Day
Walk on Stilts Day
Whether you're bringing together friends for National Lasagna Day or National Chicken Wing Day, make sure your invitations are clear for all your invitees. Confusing invitations, like mistranslated business documents, can be problematic. That invitation you sent out for your annual National Bikini Day party would be met with raised eyebrows if you cut and pasted the title "National Nude Day" by mistake - same month, wrong day! Here are a few examples of confusing translation blunders...

This doesn't leave much room for redemption.

I think this sign was written by the guy who wrote my bookcase assembly instructions!

And he may have written this one for Oxymoron Day!

Sadly, this could be the traffic sign in my neighborhood.
As you're speeding through that urgent project, trying to finish it in time to leave early for your vacation, pause for a moment. Before you entrust the German translation of that technical manual to your assistant's cousin who just completed a semester of German 101 ... or to AI which can not guarantee accuracy as we do... consider using a professional firm like Auerbach International with A+ service you can trust.
Translation mistakes are often first detected by your customers and last by you. These errors lead to, at worst, a cancelled order or project and, at best, expensive corrective actions. Don't let that business deal crash and burn like defective fireworks. Invest in your company's success with professionally translated communications that are correct in word and meaning, produced by a firm with 3 decades of exceptional customer service and over 2 billion words translated!
Please email us or give us a call. We're dedicated to your success.
...A final thought: "Commit. Right or wrong, make a decision. The road is paved with flat squirrels that didn't."
Best ~
Chris Hempel
Director of Client Success
[email protected]
phone 415-592-0042 X125
mobile 818-445-4451
“3 Decades. 2 Billion Words. A+ Accuracy. Superior Translation Services."