During its first 14 months, our podcast, Global Gurus: Stories of International Business, has produced almost 60 episodes and 9500 downloads. Each episode presents an audio, video and transcript as well as lots of other useful information.
Translating your content into your prospects’ or customers’ languages is an essential element of global business. After all, most people will only buy when your product or service is presented in their native language.
But global expansion also involves knowledge of general principles and effective methods of interacting with other cultures. As begun last month, here are some more examples:
How can you sell into regions that your products have never entered?
Eric Levine built a billion-dollar chain of fitness centers in Asia where fitness was not part of native cultures.
Ceci Israel launched a wine business in China with minimal language or country knowledge.
Ramsey Pryor shows how software firms get 60% of their revenue from abroad.
Adrian Kingwell started and grew a large IT business in southern Asia.
Craig Handley created a $150m call center in Mexico and Belize.
How should successful leaders manage multicultural teams?
Doug Brunhke talks about elevating women in Japan.
Dr. Chaz Austin talks about leadership and management in India and Nigeria.
Documentary-producer Marion Renk-Rosenthal across three episodes discusses management in Europe, Latin America and the Philippines, as well as other issues.
Chris Smit and Peter van der Lende offer insights into multinational corporate culture, communication styles, and melding hostile nationalities and more.
Michael Reddington presents a fascinating method to get people to reveal their true intentions.
Christine Gouchault talks about women entrepreneurs and managing many nationalities.
Nadine Reichenthal discusses entrepreneurship and management in developing countries.
Rocky Zapata presents values and leadership in Latin America.
Importance of correct translating and interpreting
At least three other guests during their interviews — Mark Smith, Tom Fuller, and Dan Vega — stress the importance of using Master’s-level translators of anything written and professional interpreters for meetings or conferences of anything spoken.
For most languages, AI apps work excellently when professional linguists review the communications to ensure they are correct. This hybrid method is what we at Auerbach International have done for over three decades to guarantee A+ accuracy.
Doug Hartley gives a superb and unprompted example of relying on a translator at a Spanish Embassy to translate … and how he got the meaning totally wrong.
To get a quote for an excellent result, please contact us for your next language need.
Please also email me about any global marketing challenges you are experiencing.
Why branding is more important than selling? Gene McCarthy, the “guru of athletic footwear,” provides his expertise.
Philip Auerbach
Founder, President & CEO
Auerbach International
Headquarters – 415-592-0042 x107
“3 Decades. 2 Billion Words. A+ Accuracy. Superior Translation Services.”