November is here; the month of thanks and friendship and family gatherings. In many parts of the country, we rise to frosty mornings and sometimes a dusting of fresh snow. The days have gotten shorter and the evening darkness arrives sooner. The longer evenings provide the perfect setting to celebrate:
King Tut Day
Clean Your Refrigerator Day
All Our Uncles are Monkeys Day.
Though many of us celebrate Thanksgiving, others are equally committed to enjoying Absurdity Day, National Indian Pudding Day and Marooned Without a Compass Day! When inviting friends and family members to join in celebrating the holiday of your choice, make sure your invitations are clear and accurate. Confusing directions can strand your guests at a gas station 30 miles from your home much like a mistranslated business document may confuse global clients and embarrass your organization. Imagine if your online AI translation directs them to "remove your garments and shout" rather than the intended "exchanges will be rapidly replaced."
Fortunately, the following examples of mistranslations cause no harm to your organization and induce joyous chuckles. So, over the river and through the woods to Friday Funnies we go!

Nothing says the start of the holiday season like habitual drinking!

And this sign may have been authored by such a reveler!

Maybe she could invite some people too?

This invitation may need to be reconsidered.
Harmless, mistranslated signs are examples of humorous incompetence. Mistranslations of your important organizational documents, training videos, website or marketing materials are never humorous. As we make the point every month, only professional linguists are properly trained to translate your messages correctly in both word and context. At Auerbach International, our professionals have been in the business for 10 years or longer and have a Master's degree or equivalent in linguistics. We provide unrivaled service quality for over 120 languages, so we have your needs covered.
This is the month of giving thanks for things large and small. Thanks for family and friends and peace and health... and correctly translated correspondences! Don't let mistranslations ruin a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner or the associated food coma. You can relax and know that your language project is being handled by a firm with 3 decades of A+ service and expert performance.
For a free quote, email or call us. Keep that turkey on your plate and not in your translated documents!
A final thought from Clarence Darrow: "The first half of our life is ruined by our parents and the second half by our children."
Best ~
Chris Hempel
Director of Client Success
[email protected]
phone 415-592-0042 X125
mobile 818-445-4451
“3 Decades. 2 Billion Words. A+ Accuracy. Superior Translation Services."