Friday Funnies – The Toothpaste, the Ice Cream, the Cleaners, the Root Canal and the Complaint Desk

auerbach intl blog
A new month and a new journey into the world of misanthrope-drafted mistranslations! Whether it’s in the clear air of the Alps or the ageless beauty of the Eternal City, translation errors know no geographic boundaries. Let our journey begin!

Colgate introduced a new toothpaste in France named “Cue” which unfortunately shared its name with a notorious pornographic magazine.





A laundry in Rome advertised, “Ladies, leave your clothes here and spend the afternoon having a good time.”





A hotel in Athens advised that “Visitors are expected to complain at the office between 9:00 and 11:00 am.”





At a Swiss mountain inn, patrons were advised “Special today – No Ice Cream.”






A Hong Kong dentist advertised that “Teeth extracted by the latest Methodists.”





Your business communications are too important to be left to your third cousin’s neighbor’s goddaughter or a discount translation firm that was founded last week. For over thirty years, Auerbach International has provided the highest quality language services at an investment that fits any budget. Do you have documents, product catalogs, legal papers or a website that needs translation into one of 120+ languages? Do you require in-person or remote interpreting services or translated and subtitled videos? Give us a call or drop us a note at We’ll complete your project and guarantee its accuracy so that your business message is as bright as a sparkling smile rather than an unintended lewd message!


Chris Hempel
Director of Client Success
Auerbach International
415-592-0042 x125
818-445-4451 (mobile)
415-592-0043 (fax)

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