Welcome to May!
May, the month of Cinco de Mayo and Star Wars Day (May, the 4th be with You), and Memorial Day, the gateway to summer. There's also May Day, the ancient pagan spring festival that is celebrated throughout Europe and traditionally included maypole dancing and the floral crowning of the May Queen. This May we find the World's economic engine powering forward, never looking in the rearview mirror. Who knows, maybe some of that power is coming from...
World Whiskey Day
Talk Like Yoda Day
National Blueberry Cheesecake Day
National Mint Julep Day
The one observance that would recognize the disruption of economic activity would be International Mistranslation Day! There are hundreds of monthly holidays but none may be more worthy than a day that recognizes the missteps, faux pas and knuckle-headed disasters of mistranslated messages. Doubt me? Well, let's take a stroll through the jungle of "word junk" that is Friday Funnies!

But how does the TEACHER feel about me?

Are they more expensive than the caged version?

That's one less spam call to block!

Of course not. But the Holy Valet would be!
Every month we visit examples of lazy and sloppy miscarriages of translations. Imagine these 'humorous" mistakes were part of a legal document, a technical manual or a marketing campaign that your organization distributed to customers or to the public. Waves of laughter would immediately turn to an avalanche of horror as your message and your reputation take a possibly mortal hit. There is an easy way to divert such a catastrophe - hire an established, professional translation firm! With over three decades of experience and over 2 billion words processed, Auerbach International will translate the correct meaning of your messages into over 120 languages with personal attention and A+ accuracy.
Give us a call or email us and experience our endless pursuit of perfection and our commitment to the finest customer service.
... a final thought: "Only in math problems can you buy 60 cantaloupe melons and nobody asks, 'What the Heck is wrong with you?’
Best ~
Chris Hempel
Director of Client Success
[email protected]
phone 415-592-0042 X125
mobile 818-445-4451
“3 Decades. 2 Billion Words. A+ Accuracy. Superior Translation Services."