Poached or Grilled .Pooch or Pirate. And watch out for that Wang Wang… it’s time for Friday Funnies

auerbach intl blogSeptember signals the beginning of Fall. September is the month of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year and beginning of the High Holidays. It is the month of Michaelmas, the Celtic ancient Quarter Day that celebrates the end of the harvest season. And the month we observe the autumnal equinox, the date on which the Earth's tilt results in the Sun shining equally on both the Northern and Southern Hemisphere, causing the length of daylight and night to be near equal worldwide. There are so many other important celebrations this month. For instance:

International Talk Like a Pirate Day
National Hug Your Hound Day
National Make Your Bed Day
National Ghost Hunting Day

Whether you're observing one of these days or even Ask a Stupid Question Day, there's no end to the options. And, of course, no month would be complete without totally avoidable translation failures. Let's put off the ghost hunting and dog hugging for a couple minutes and embrace September's Friday Funnies!

The Chinese version of, "You're busted! Just kidding!"






While it's being worn?





Bullwinkle just called the Humane Society!





"Nice" and "Electric Shock" are mutually exclusive events.




Can I get that poached?






First it was the free press and now it's fun. What's left?





How about I close my eyes while I go up the steps?





And our Bonus Blunder -

Where can I find the "Yes 'Wang-Wang'" zone?








Even the best intentions can go off the rails without professional attention. You wouldn't want your cousin who's only been a passenger to pilot your next flight, would you? Then why would you have that cousin, who took high school Japanese, translate the safety information for your company's pharmaceutical customers in Japan? Auerbach International uses only professional linguists with at least 10 years of professional translation service and who have a Master's or equivalent degree in linguistic arts.

Hug your dog, chase a ghost, make your bed and drop us a line or call us. There are no stupid questions and we even speak Pirate in a pinch... and we love Moose!

Careful on those stairs!


Chris Hempel
Director of Client Success
[email protected]
phone 415-592-0042 X125
mobile 818-445-4451


“3 Decades. 2 Billion Words. A+ Accuracy. Superior Translation Services."

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