Variants, Cold Waves, Teapots and Boxing – Year-end Lessons in Clarity

auerbach intl blogSeason's Greetings!

Our mid-month email normally features information about language services and how those services aid organizations with their communication requirements. Clear and correct communications, whether between organizations or individuals, greatly influence the outcome of business interactions.

That said, this year-end email is making a U-turn. During these final, light-hearted days of the year, we'd like to offer some humorous spoken and written missteps for you to share with business colleagues, friends and family members.


From the world of sports:

Boxing Analyst: "Sure there have been injuries, and even some deaths in boxing, but none of them really that serious."
Softball Announcer: "If history repeats itself, I should think we can expect the same thing again."
Paul Hamm, Gymnast: "I owe a lot to my parents, especially my mother and father."


Always proofread your signs:

Office break room sign: "After Tea Break, Staff Should Empty The Teapot And Stand Upside Down On The Draining Board"
Repair shop sign: "We Can Repair Anything. (Please Knock Hard On The Door - The Bell Doesn't Work.)
London department store sign: "Bargain Basement Upstairs"
Health food store sign: "Closed Due To Illness"


News headline failures:

"Typhoon Rips Through Cemetery; Hundreds Dead"
"Cold Wave Linked to Temperatures"
"Miners Refuse to Work After Death"
"Kids Make Nutritious Snacks"
"War Dims Hope for Peace"

... and a few final laughs to share




Hoping your holiday season is safe, joyous and crystal clear!

Chris Hempel
Director of Year-End Humor
Auerbach International
[email protected]
Direct 415-592-0042 x125
Mobile 818-445-4451

"120+ Languages. Simple Solutions"

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