Global Social Media: How to Expand Your Reach

Global Social Media: How to Expand Your Reach Social media is a fundamental shift in the way the world communicates today. The “Arab Spring” showed how Facebook helped fuel a revolution and Facebook’s user base has doubled in Egypt in the last 12 months. Politicians in India have discovered that social media is a great… Continue reading Global Social Media: How to Expand Your Reach

How to Magnify Your Impact on the World

If your message remains in English, you are reaching only around 27% of the world audience. To target the other 73%, you need to put your message in other languages. Book Translations As a global outreach firm, Auerbach International wants to help you magnify your personal or corporate impact on the world — or at… Continue reading How to Magnify Your Impact on the World

What Works Here May Not Work There

To celebrate our 25th year in business, we are pleased to share with you our Top 25 Language Tips, hard won through experience.  Here is Tip #7, plus another example of a successful project for one of our clients. Other cultures:  What works here may not work there. When preparing promotional materials for use in… Continue reading What Works Here May Not Work There

Global Outsourcing Myths & Mistakes: Regaining Control Part 2

Global Outsourcing Myths & Mistakes:   Regaining Control (Part 2 of 2) [For Mistakes 1-4 (newsletter Part 1) please click here] 5. Outsourcer management does not fully understand how to work across cultures The outsourced vendor appears to commit to performance targets, deadlines, etc. but routinely ignores these promises. Here is a quote from a manager:… Continue reading Global Outsourcing Myths & Mistakes: Regaining Control Part 2

Global Outsourcing Myths & Mistakes: Regaining Control Part 1

Global Outsourcing Myths & Mistakes:   Regaining Control (Part 1 of 2) [As a global outreach firm, Auerbach International provides a full spectrum of language and translation services as well as research, strategies and methods of conducting business worldwide. This article presents other challenges of global business.] By far the most common justification for companies’ hiring… Continue reading Global Outsourcing Myths & Mistakes: Regaining Control Part 1