Translation pricing: You get what you pay for

auerbach intl blog
After 30+ years in the language business, the most common question people ask is “How much do translations cost?” Without receiving specifics, that is like asking, “How much does a car cost?” Answer: As with a car, it all depends. Do you want a clunker that simply runs or a car that runs well and reflects your personality?In the same way, a translation project can simply be translated, or it can be translated correctly. Your projects can be done quickly and cheaply using only software or amateur linguists, or they can be done rapidly and accurately using professional translators.A huge language agency recently came to us to subcontract a large project, translating hundreds of pages about the oil industry into Japanese. Japanese happens to be among the most expensive languages to translate and oil/gas/energy has its own specialized terminology. This company offered to pay us at a rate that would have forced us to employ low cost, unqualified, non-professionals such as part-time practitioners, students, or expatriate spouses in places like India and China. Other language agencies might have accepted the project and delivered a final product commensurate with the budget they were given. We passed on the project because our guaranteed level of quality could not be achieved at such a discounted rate. If you have a simple translation project, for internal use only for example, we can translate it using our machine-only solution (Auerbach Automated Translation) for pennies per word … with or without professional editing. If your project is to be distributed to customers, business partners or the public and it must be 100% accurate, you merit our higher-level service at a very reasonable rate. Auerbach’s stable of language professionals have master’s or equivalent degrees, specialize in your industry terminology, employ cultural adaptation in their work, and translate exclusively into their native language.We take pride in serving clients who appreciate value, who welcome award-winning personal service, and who want to maintain their sterling reputations. Our rates reflect the expertise of our outstanding translators whose work makes you shine. We welcome the opportunity to serve you in this new year of new beginnings.Please contact us HERE to request a quote.In gratitude and appreciation,

Philip Auerbach
Founder, President & CEO
Auerbach International
Headquarters - 415-592-0042 x107

“3 Decades. 2 Billion Words. A+ Accuracy. Superior Translation Services."

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