Auerbach Intl

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Save the Date: I’ll be Discussing Translation Benefits on the Business Influencer Podcast!


As a language professional, I have seen firsthand the impact that effective communication can have on an organization’s success. By translating your content into multiple languages, you can reach a much wider audience, increase brand visibility, and ultimately drive more revenue. That’s why I’d like to invite you to mark your calendars for May 22nd at 4 pm EST, when I will be sharing insights and tips on how translation can help groups succeed in the global or US multicultural market. Tune in to the episode to learn more about the importance of translation in today’s global marketplace. Whether you are a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, this interview will provide valuable insights on how to effectively communicate your value with your target audience. To watch the episode and learn more, visit I look forward to sharing my expertise with you and hope to see you there! Philip Auerbach Founder, President & CEO Auerbach International Headquarters – 415-592-0042 x107 “3 Decades. 2 Billion Words. A+ Accuracy. Superior Translation Services.” Share this entry

Conquiste Novos Territórios Conosco


Você deseja levar sua mensagem além das fronteiras, atingindo audiências globais com impacto e precisão? Com a Auerbach South América Ltda ao seu lado, você pode fazer isso acontecer…

Exciting News: I’ll Be a Guest Speaker on the Business Influencer Podcast!


I am thrilled to announce that I have been invited to be a guest on the Business Influencer Podcast! I will be discussing the benefits of communicating your value nationwide and worldwide by translating your books, websites, and social media messages.   The live interview will take place on May 22nd at 4 pm EST, and I would love for you to tune in and learn more about how translations can help your organization reach a wider audience. To watch the episode and learn more about this amazing podcast, please visit   I hope you can join me for this exciting opportunity to share my knowledge with business influencers like yourself.   Warm regards, Philip Auerbach Founder, President & CEO Auerbach International Headquarters – 415-592-0042 x107 “3 Decades. 2 Billion Words. A+ Accuracy. Superior Translation Services.” Share this entry

(Funny) Rule #1: Why names that work here may not work there.


Global marketers are an intelligent bunch. But sometimes their over-confidence and past successes blind them to a monumental mistake: After investing millions of dollars launching a new product in a new country, they discover that the company name, product name, slogan, tagline or logo is offensive to the target audience. Had they invested in the cheapest possible insurance, these mistakes could have been avoided. And who issues that insurance? Your friendly, professional language agency. For a very small fee, we can verify that your choices of name, logo or design will work in up to ten major languages and country markets … or at least cause no monumental gaffes that can damage your brand and reputation. Here are some classic blunders: Clairol introduced its Mist Stick in Germany, unaware that “Mist” in German is slang for manure. Not terribly appealing on women’s hair. Colgate launched its Cue toothpaste in France, unaware that Cue means “ass” or “butt.” Language tip Number 9: You can speak to anyone 24/7 using our Over the Phone Interpreting solution. For more Language Tips, request our Free Guide. Gerber used its US packaging to launch baby foods in East Africa, where due to illiteracy, people assume that the label picture shows the contents. Many Africans thought that Gerber’s jars contained purée of White Baby. Mercedes Benz entered China with the company name “Ben si” which means “rush to die.” Slightly inappropriate for a car. Vicks introduced its products into Germany using its company name, unaware that in German, V is pronounced “F” and therefore sounds like the term for sexual intercourse. And my all-time favorite: A Swedish vacuum cleaner maker launched a TV commercial in the UK where its slogan made perfect sense. The commercial was then broadcast in some Commonwealth countries which also speak UK English. But when the company used the same commercial in the US, its slogan, “Nothing sucks like Electrolux” had a slightly different connotation. Conclusion Before you enter non-English markets or into other English-speaking countries, please ask us for a free, inexpensive quote to verify that your company name, product name or slogans will work there. And to get more funny, free Global Branding Blunders to brighten your day, please click here. In partnership, Philip Auerbach Founder, President & CEO Auerbach International Headquarters – 415-592-0042 x107 “3 Decades. 2 Billion Words. A+ Accuracy. Superior Translation Services.” Share this entry

Invisible Dentures, Nude Covid Protection and Hands-free … Never Mind – It’s the Friday Funnies!


The New Year has arrived and with it the promise of great opportunities ahead! It’s a month that brings gradually longer, if colder, days. We begin the month by ringing in the new year and then honor the memory of Martin Luther King Jr. on January 15th. January is filled with many special days to recognize, though maybe not with the revelry of the Holiday Season. Even if you practice a Dry January you’ll undoubtedly wrap your emotional arms around Swiss Cheese Day, Dimpled Chad Day and … National English Toffee Day National Marzipan Day National Pothole Day. January reignites the gears of industry. Days can become overwhelming with an acceleration of planning, presentations and budgeting. It’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of activity and unintentionally farm out translation projects to a modestly qualified family friend or employees who are “fluent” in the required translation language. Next thing you know, you’ll end up with well-intended but terribly inaccurate projects that will have a negative impact on your organization’s finances and its reputation. The following examples show how good intentions don’t always fulfill their promise: There’s clearly a very, very bumpy ride ahead! Now exactly how can I be aware of that which I can’t see? Who would have thought that nudity was the best vaccination of all? Get close to who? I’ll leave this to your imagination! As we visit these examples of polyglot foibles, we can smile at their humorously innocent effects. Not so if your translation projects are even marginally inaccurate. Even the smallest mistakes in translations, often from incorrectly localized copy, can completely change the meaning of the message. What was a congratulatory correspondence to a valued vendor could become an off-color insult. That contract with terms of payment could be mistranslated and lead to a disastrously underpriced quote. Never trade your company’s reputation or financial health for a discount language service firm. Your company deserves the highest quality, professional translation partner. One that has more than 30 years of A+ personalized service. At Auerbach International, we base our reputation on providing the highest quality projects in over 120 languages and dialects. Let us take care of all your language service needs, written or spoken, in 2024! A final thought from Albert Einstein: “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.” Happy holidays ~ Best ~ Chris Hempel Director of Client Success phone 415-592-0042 X125 mobile 818-445-4451 “3 Decades. 2 Billion Words. A+ Accuracy. Superior Translation Services.” Share this entry                

Comunique-se com o Mundo Inteiro


Você deseja levar sua mensagem além das fronteiras, atingindo audiências globais com impacto e precisão? Com a Auerbach South América Ltda ao seu lado, você pode fazer isso acontecer…

Business Closures, Questionable Composting, Population Control Diet and a Sauce to Avoid – These are the Holiday Friday Funnies


 The weather outside is frightful but the month of December is so delightful! It’s filled with celebrations and more food and libations than we should probably consume. A month of continuing holiday revelry and thanks, and the warm gathering of kith and kin. With the major holidays of Hanukkah, Christmas and Kwanzaa all taking precedent, it’s easy to forget these additionally important observances: Bathtub Party DayRoast Chestnuts DayHumbug Day. December is the month of the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year, which gives all of us more evening hours to sample the delicious treats of the season. There is an endless string of gatherings with family and friends in December. Busy, noisy get-togethers can lead to unfortunate misstatements or misinformation. While those mistakes can easily be corrected in realtime, mistaken business translations can’t. Using an amateur to translate your important documents, manuals and marketing materials can create disastrous, long term effects on your global business relationships. That said, let’s have some chuckles with the following mistranslations. They may not have gotten anyone fired but they do cause some confusion. “The Holly and the Poison Ivy”…. Thank you, no. I’ll stick with the horseradish sauce for my prime rib! Clearly this establishment is very different from the one above. Some people go to extremes to avoid holiday carolers! Is that the same place I take my dried out Christmas tree? This is an option for those who attend Midnight Mass! Silly, mistranslated signs make us laugh but using an amateur or an online AI tool to translate your important communications will very likely provide you with more than one lump of coal in your stocking! Whichever holidays you celebrate this month, give your company the gift of professionally translated documents. And give yourself the peace of mind knowing that your project is being handled by professional linguists with Master’s degrees (or equivalent) and a minimum of ten years of experience. At Auerbach International, we provide the highest level of professional service in more than 120 languages. So when you just settle your brain for a long winter’s nap, you’ll do so with the confidence that your project will be done perfectly the first time, every time! For a free quote, email or call us. “Happy Translations to all and to all a good night!” A final thought from Shirley Temple: “I stopped believing in Santa Claus when I was six. Mother took me to see him in a department store and he asked for my autograph.” Happy holidays ~ Chris HempelDirector of Client Successwww.auerbach-intl.comchris@auerbach-intl.comphone 415-592-0042 X125mobile 818-445-4451 “3 Decades. 2 Billion Words. A+ Accuracy. Superior Translation Services.” Share this entry

“Revising” website translations inexpensively. And website Bloopers.


“I can’t translate my website yet. It’s being revised.” If I had a hundred dollars for every time I’ve heard that, I’d by now have a condo in Monaco. The problem is that websites are rarely “done.” If you can or do derive revenue from other cultures or countries, you are missing tremendous opportunities if your website is not in other languages. According to Slator Research, 60% of people rarely or never buy from English-only websites. And around 72% of the world does not speak English. Auerbach International offers a full spectrum of website translation solutions, with our usual fast delivery and A+, guaranteed accuracy: Full site: All pages and links; Abridged site: Home and contact pages plus key product pages; or Summary PDF: One or two pages about your company in multiple languages. No. 3 is by far the fastest and easiest way to broadcast your organization in many languages at low cost, especially if your site is being revised. It’s the method we ourselves use to reach our audiences in Brazil and Spanish America. Full or abridged sites especially may also need to be internationalized for your multi-ethnic or global markets by converting: Content, colors and images to appeal to the target audience; Dates and numbers (such as writing 23 February or 10 000); US words, expressions or spelling not used abroad; Prices and measurements to target-country usage; and Methods of payment common abroad (such as pay-by-phone apps). How to talk to non-English prospects If prospects write to you in their native language, we will quickly translate their messages into English and your reply back into their language. And if you need to talk with them, our Over the Phone Interpreting service allows you to do so 24/7 for cents per minute. Auerbach International was honored to translate and subtitle The Great 14th, the oral autobiography of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, into Chinese and 20 other languages for its worldwide release in 2023. Nominated with five stars by Video Librarian as one of the Best Documentaries of 2023, The Great 14th “fosters empathy, understanding, and a deeper connection to the world we inhabit.” The film premiered in Taipei and was released on December 8 in theaters across Taiwan to wide acclaim, breaking all box office expectations. Website bloopers Please NEVER rely on Google or any AI-only solution. AI works best only when edited by professional translators such as ours. These groups did not follow the rule: An Australian skin lotion was supposed to “Hydrate, lift and firm” a user’s skin. Instead the translation into French became “hydrates, elevator and enterprise.” A town in Galicia, a region in Spain with mixture of languages, promoted its “Rapini Festival” to celebrate a vegetable similar to spinach. Instead, the Google version promoted the town’s “Clitoris Festival.” For a free consultation on cost-effective website or film-conversion solutions, please call or contact us. Thank you, Philip Auerbach Founder, President & CEO Auerbach International Headquarters – 415-592-0042 x107 “3 Decades. 2 Billion Words. A+ Accuracy. Superior Translation Services.” Share this entry                

Sua Passagem para o Mundo: Serviços de Excelência


Em um mundo globalizado, a comunicação eficaz é a chave para o sucesso internacional. Na Auerbach South América, orgulhamo-nos de ser líderes na entrega de serviços de tradução, interpretação e mais, há mais de 30 anos…

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